California Gold Restoration Council

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Are You passionate about restoring California to its true, pristine Nature & helping to ensure that All Life is once again honored and protected? If so, we would love to Connect with You.

We are in the midst of major changes, not just in California, but all around the world …

Many are realizing that our current structures and ways of doing things are no longer sustainable. Right now, in 2024, we may likely see a rapid disintegration of many of these outdated structures and anything else that is not truly serving the people and our planet.

It is now time for us, as the people, to come together and begin to find our New, more Aligned and Life-affirming Ways of doing things and to create the New Structures that will support these New Endeavors.

We here at the California Gold Restoration Council are a group of individuals who are dedicated to help restore this Golden State of California and all Life within it to its original state of Beauty, Abundance, Health and Well-being so all Life here, and elsewhere, can be Nourished and Thrive.

It is important to note that we are just in the beginning of forming this Restoration Council because it is clear that it is up to us, the people, to come together to bring about the changes we wish to see.

If this sounds of interest to you, we hope you will explore the rest of our Website and get involved in whatever ways feel most aligned to you. We welcome anyone who is also passionate about restoring California to the Golden State it truly is meant to be.

Here is an Overview of the rest of this Site

If you would like to find out a little more about who we are and what we are about, check out our About Page

You can explore the broad Restoration Topics we came up with to help us focus our efforts

We also have a Resources Page that has restoration-related links and hope you will share your favorite links with us to add to the page

To explore some of the ways you can become involved with us, check out our Participate Page

Of course, bringing about this type of Restoration is a major undertaking and we welcome any financial contribution you might be guided to make on our Donate Page.

If you would like to reach out with any questions, restoration ideas or any other ways you may be interested in getting involved, please contact us via our Contact Form on the  Connect Page.