This is where we gather all kinds of resources and links that might be of general interest and helpful to our Restoration efforts more specifically.  If you know of other organizations, groups, or individuals etc. that may be relevant and that we may want to add to our list, please share them with us using our Contact Form 

News Related Links

United Network News ~ UNN is a news channel we appreciate and listen to. It consists of a group of individuals who care about Global Restoration. They are non-mainstream and provide News by Field Messengers, they report on global events that are impacting the people and, often, there is an update on the latest global developments at the end of each News report. News reports come out Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays and can be viewed via subscription at the link below. You can try it out for 1 week without a subscription.
~ United Network News–Bringing People Together –

You can watch their News for free a week after the report came out
~ YouTube –
~ Rumble –

The Rundown is a Weekly recap of the top stories from UNN with field messenger reports, new earth, regional stories, and world situation reports; it is in podcast form and put together by Sunny.
~ The Rundown Podcast –

Redacted News ~ Is a podcast and video series hosted by Clayton Morris, a former Fox News anchor, and his wife Natali Morris. They offer programming that focuses on providing in-depth analyses of legal, social, financial, and political issues that are not covered by mainstream media.
~ Youtube –
~ Rumble –

Restoration Related Links

United Network of Earth – Global Restoration Efforts ~ In addition to News, you will find many other Restoration-related opportunities that are offered by this group. Just take some time to explore – currently a lot is just under development, so check back periodically.
~ United Network of Earth –

Clear Water Vision ~ Bringing Ecology and Economy together Through WATER. Information about “PRIMARY WATER” – what it is, why it matters and the role it can play at this time in our planetary evolution.
~ Clear Water Vision –

Food & Farming Related Links

United States or Internationally-based Organizations

The People’s Food and Farming Alliance ~ The PFFA was formed by a small group of volunteers to assist local communities in growing and producing food products to counter any incoming food shortages and future crop production. They connect and educate communities and local farmers and growers through educational support which ensures a natural approach to food production. They also bring together local and regional food distribution methods.
~ The People’s Food & Farming Alliance —

Open Food Network USA ~ Offers diverse, independent shops for seasonal local food where consumers can search by neighborhood and food category and also options for a delivery or pickup. The Open Food Network also offers a software platform for farmers to sell produce online, at a price that works for them. Food producers can create an online shop, collect payments, or sell through other shops on the platform.
~ Open Food Network USA –

Practical Permaculture ~ Cathe’ Fish is a California-based Permaculture Expert who has traveled the world teaching classes in Permaculture.
~ Practical Permaculture –

My Health Forward ~ Is regenerating America’s health and land by connecting people to local farms and ranches across the country. Visit their webstore where they offer Heirloom Seed varieties as well as many other natural food and supplement items. They provide regenerative farming information on planting and growing, seeds, buying beef shares and food storage. They also provide consumer information on APeel and OrganiPeel food coatings.
~ My Health Forward –
~ Local Farm, Ranch, and Farmer’s Market Map –

California-based Organizations

Providence Smart Farms ~ Is a NorCal Regional Farm Food Hub. They are your farm connection to Shasta and Siskiyou counties in Northern California where they offer “Smarter Farming” educational opportunities to individuals in new and existing markets.
~ Providence Smart Farms –

NorCal Regional Farm Food Hub ~ Is a Shasta Siskiyou Farm Food Hub. They bring together all the farm fresh produce and farm/home related products in their region in order for local people to have first pick from a variety of farms.
~ Food Hub – Open Food Network –

Sierra Harvest ~ Their mission is transforming lives and strengthening community through fresh, local, seasonal food. They started out as a grass-roots effort to improve the health and wellbeing of residents in Nevada County, California.
~ Sierra Harvest –

Farm2People ~ Believes that every person deserves access to healthy, whole foods and the belief that a healthy food supply starts with healthy growers. Farm2People fairly compensates growers for their harvest, and they donate the fruits and vegetables to underserved communities in and around Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
~ Farm2People –

Plant for Change ~ “Plant for change starts with a seed.” They are a global movement to support individuals with all planting and re-seeding information needed for the present and future. They work with local small scale growing and regenerative agriculture/permaculture areas. Their goal is to help you sow and grow while reaping a harvest of health and freedom. See the link below for their Global Seed Suppliers List.
~ Plant for Change –
~ Telegram Channel –
~ Plant for Change Global Seed Directory –

Cultivate Elevate with Electroculture
~ Matt Roeske states that Electroculture is an ancient practice of increasing plant yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth’s atmospheric energy. This energy which is always present and all around us is known as Chi, Prana, Life force, and Aether. When using Electroculture there is no need for the use of pesticides, manure, or fertilizers.
~ Link to Matt’s Electroculture page –

Health & Well-being Related Links

The People’s Health Alliance USA ~ Is an organic, people-led, holistic healing initiative that educates, supports, and empowers people to take responsibility for their own health. They are assembling groups of practitioners here in the US who represent a broad spectrum of health and wellness modalities; each presenting a potential path to assist you on your healing journey.
~ The People’s Health Alliance USA –

Cultivate Elevate ~ Matt Roeske and his family’s journey through sickness into health led him to become incredibly knowledgable about all things health, well-being and nutrition related to an extent that he ended up creating his own company, which you are welcome to explore further. However, here we are providing his channels because he provides an incredibly broad range of health and well-being related knowledge that will be well worth your time.
~ You Tube Channel –
~ Telegram –

Medical Medium ~ Anthony William is a chronic illness expert and originator of the global celery juice movement and Brain Shot Therapy protocols. He is a New York Times best-selling author of many health saver protocol books. Anthony was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with extraordinarily advanced healing medical information that is far ahead of its time.
~ Website –
~ Telegram  –
~ YouTube  –

Barbara O’Neill ~ Is a well-known nutritionist, naturopath and health educator from Australia. With over 40 years of experience in the health industry, she is passionate about helping people achieve optimal health through natural means. Her approach emphasizes plant based nutrition and the transformative power of food as medicine.
~ Telegram –
~ You Tube –
~ X Twitter –

Motivationaldoc ~ Dr. Mandell has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with his self-help videos to get well naturally, without the use of drugs, dangerous side effects, and invasive procedures. His years of experience through spinal biomechanics (the study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms) and nutritional background is what sets him apart from all others.
~ Website –
~ Youtube –


This is where we gather all kinds of resources and links that might be of general interest and helpful to our Restoration efforts more specifically.  If you know of other organizations, groups, or individuals etc. that may be relevant and that we may want to add to our list, please share them with us using our Contact Form 

News Related Links

United Network News

United Network News is a news channel we appreciate and listen to. It consists of a group of individuals who care about Global Restoration. They are non-mainstream and provide News by Field Messengers, they report on global events that are impacting the people and, often, there is an update on the latest global developments at the end of each News report.

News reports come out Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays and can be viewed via subscription at the link below. You can try it out for 1 week without a subscription.

~ United Network News – Bringing People Together:

If you want to check out their News for free, you can find the full reports a week later on either YouTube or Rumble. These channels also contain short clips from the news reports.

~ YouTube:
~ Rumble:

If you want a Weekly recap of the top stories from United Network News with field messenger reports, new earth, regional stories, and world situation reports, check out “The Rundown” podcast by Sunny.

~ The Rundown Podcast:

Restoration Related Links

In addition to News, you will find many other Restoration-related opportunities that are offered by this group. Just take some time to explore – currently a lot is just under development, so check back periodically.
~ United Network of Earth – Global Restoration Efforts:

Bringing Ecology and Economy Together Through WATER: Information about “PRIMARY WATER” – what it is, why it matters and the role it can play at this time in our planetary evolution.
~ Clear Water Vision –

Practical Permaculture with Cathe’ Fish: Cathe’ Fish is a California-based Permaculture Expert who has traveled the world teaching classes in Permaculture.
~ Practical Permaculture —