ABOUT California Gold Restoration Council

We here at the California Gold Restoration Council are a collection of individuals that live in and care for California and are dedicated to help bring together those who are ready to find new ways of restoring life in California to its highest expression.

Our intent is to help Californians and the counties within California find ways to share ideas and to coordinate restoration projects so we do not duplicate our efforts but enhance them.

We also hope to inspire and empower Californians to come together to find and share some of the resources we have available to help us in our restoration efforts: When we feel like we are only 1 person and nothing we do matters, we can easily feel helpless to bring about change. We here at CGRC are offering a space and platform to gather, connect and find ways to truly bring about the changes we would like to see, here and now.


What restoration topics interest you?

Are there certain ideas or topics you are passionate about that you would want to help implement if you had all the time and money needed for those projects?

What are the skills and areas of expertise you may have to contribute that could add to the growth and success of this Restoration Council and all the future projects we will help to coordinate for California?

We hope you will share some of your ideas and passions with us: Reach out through our Contact Form, join our public Telegram thread or participate in one of our Wednesday evening Zoom meetings. Please check out our Participate page for more information.